Lorusso Raspsberry Kiss
Marmalade with a strong flavor with an acid touch, made from raspberries, in addition to being delicious, provide many benefits for our health due to its extraordinary antioxidant capacity, which is not it should be overlooked in any healthy diet.
Handcrafted, ideal to combine in many dishes and recipes that use a mixture of flavors and textures. Combine it with canapés, more or less cured and / or creamy cheese boards, ice cream, yogurts, salads...
Color and presentation: It has a semi-dark purple red hue and is quite saturated, with a very bright visual texture that has the ripe raspberry fruit as a reference.
Available in 175 g and 305 g formats.
We select the best fruits and handle them with love and care, obtaining 80% fruit delicatessen jams, of exquisite quality, high nutritional value and with extraordinary flavor and aromas.
You can name them whatever you like: artisan jams, delicatessen jams, gourmet jams, gourmet jams, delicatessen jams… All of them are LoRUSSo, handcrafted in an artisanal way, free of colorings and preservatives.